Strategic charity in Ukraine during the war: challenges and prospects



27 September 2024

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On September 12, the Summit of professional fundraisers “Heroes’ Helpers” was held in Kyiv, organized by the Ukrainian public organization ISAR Unity, which has been developing civil society and the culture of strategic philanthropy for over 25 years, and strengthening initiatives to build democracy in Ukraine.

The summit was held within the framework of the project “Initiative of sectoral support of the civil society of Ukraine”, which is implemented jointly with the Ukrainian Independent Center for Political Studies (UNCPD) and the Center for Democracy and the Rule of Law (CEDEM) with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Foundation “Partnership for strong Ukraine” and the publication “Ukrainian Pravda”.

About a thousand representatives of charitable organizations and volunteer initiatives of Ukraine gathered together to discuss the challenges and prospects of strategic philanthropy in Ukraine during the war. The participants had a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with the charitable initiatives of the Serhiy Prytula Foundation, the Return Alive Foundation, the Tvoya Opora Foundation, the Center for Volunteering and Protection, the KOLO tech community fund, and others, as well as to communicate with well-known representatives public sector of Ukraine.

An active participant of the Summit was the assistant professor of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical Education and Arts of the BSPU Olga Frolova, who joined the team of professionals and reliable partners in the field of public administration and social responsibility.

The special value of such events lies in the fact that it is a great opportunity to meet Berdyan activists of the public sector, to create new partnerships and initiatives that correspond to the Goals of sustainable development and the strategic directions of the development of the BDPU.

According to the materials of the Department of Psychology



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