Ukrainian and America Higher Education: A Comparison



15 March 2025

All news,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH),
The Department of Foreign Languages and Teaching Methods
B035 Philology (Germanic languages and literatures (translation inclusive), first - English, second - German)
М014 Secondary education (English language and foreign literature)

Berdyansk State Pedagogical University hosted a meeting of higher education students with a special guest – Amy Bernath, a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer and current Senior Practice Director, Education at IREX.

The meeting participants included students of bachelor’s programs:

  •  “Secondary Education (English Language and Literature)”
  •  “Philology (Germanic Languages and Literatures)”
  •  “Applied Linguistics”
  • as well as master’s level students of the “Secondary Education (Language and Literature (English))” program.

In a warm and friendly atmosphere, there was a thorough discussion of the differences and similarities between American and Ukrainian university education. Students had the opportunity to ask questions about the organization of the educational process in the USA, assessment features, and interpersonal relationships between professors and students.

Special attention during the meeting was given to innovative methods of teaching English that are used in American educational institutions. Amy shared her own experience working with different age groups and provided practical advice on improving language skills.

The students noted the highly motivational component of the communication, as the guest inspired many with her belief in Ukrainian education and its future even in the difficult conditions of war.

The Department of Foreign Languages and Teaching Methods expresses sincere gratitude to Amy Bernath for her support of Ukrainians during these difficult times of full-scale war, for her willingness to work with our students who, despite everything, continue to study at a Ukrainian university, and for her ability to motivate students toward learning and professional growth.

According to materials from The Department of Foreign Languages and Teaching Methods

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